Sunday, October 27, 2013

Blog Post #7

This past week has been very interesting in class. We didn't really  go over a lot of big ideas due to the fact that we had a test and mole day was the day after. Despite all of these events however, we did begin to cover some key ideas about metals. We began to learn about how metals are malleable and ductile and are also surrounded by a sea of electrons. We also had a blast in class on mole day. The cookies were very good and complimented the hot chocolate well. Despite this we also learned and wrote an essay on the chemistry behind paint balls. Metal's property of having a sea of electrons is  what allows them to be ductile and malleable. This is because since the electrons are basically free flowing, the atoms can slide by each other thus changing the shape of the object. Some important details about this is that metals can become alloys which can change metals properties. We did a couple of POGIL's this week regarding the melting point of molecules and ionic bonds. We also watched a lecture on medals (Metals) which prepared us for our lecture quiz. 
     I still have some questions about determining the melting points of specific molecule. I understand that the charge is more important than the size but when does the size overcome the charge? My participation this week could have been a little better. I feel like I could have finished both POGIL's but I fully completed one. (I  blame Nishant). I think I have understood the material pretty well this week but I'll need to review melting point more. I found it pretty interesting how alloys of metals are so drastically different form the metals themselves. One example of this is brass which is an alloy of tin and copper.

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