Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blog Post #1
     This past week of chemistry has been pretty intense as we prepared for our first lab of the year. We began the week by learning about the concept of molarity. We learned that molarity was a unit that is used to describe the concentration of a solute in a solution. This is the powerpoint talking about how molarity works: Another key idea which we learned about this week was stoichiometry.(Stoich lecture)

  Stoichiometry is used to convert units into other units. Some simple examples of this would be converting seconds to hours or miles to kilometers. These two ideas were key in our first lab were we dealt with a lot of concentration and stoichiometry as we calculated the amount of blue #1 one in various solutions and sports drinks. molarity was important because it was the unit we used when finding the concentration of blue #1 in all of the various solutions. We also used stoichiometry when finding the mass in grams of blue #1 in Gatorade and Powerade. Some important details about molarity is that it's unit is moles/liter. This was important in our lab because we were dealing with small amounts of each substance. In order for our molarity measurements to be accurate, we measured our data in micromolars (short for micromolarity) which is 10^-6 molars. Some key details of stoichiometry is that you never bring down a number with your unit during a conversion. You want to bring down the unit so the units will cancel out when you divide but you don't bring down the number because the conversion won't be correct. Our first experiment of the year heavily incorporated the two main ideas of molarity and stoichiometry. Molarity was a key concept in our lab this week as we found the molarity of blue #1 in various solutions in order to find a relationship between molarity and absorbance. Stoichiometry was also key for the final part of this lab where we used the absorbance of powerade to find the mass in grams of blue number #1 in a sample of the powerade. Obviously mass in grams and absorbance are very different unit so a lot of stoichiometry was required. We learned these ideas during the past week through various worksheets, lectures, and lecture quizzes. All of these things were crucial in order for us to understand the material well enough to do the lab. One question I still have about this weeks material is how would using different wavelengths on the colorimeter affect the results? I kind of want to know if the results would be all over the place or still show a linear relationship. My participation this week was good in the learning process of the lab. I believe I did a good job in the learning process because I did all the worksheets and lecture quizzes as well participating fulling during the actual lab. I also feel like a did a good job with the learning process because I feel like I understand the material very well. Although I feel like I understand the material well, I think I could still use some practice with some complex stoichiometry problems. I feel this way because I struggled when we were told to find the mass of blue #1 in a sample of gatorade and powerade. One thing I'm still wondering after the lab is if there is anything else that can effect the absorption of a solution. 

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